Kristina Mésároš
Acrylic on board
Kristina Mésároš: curriculum vitae

She is part of a wave of young painters who's practice is developing independently from the current trends and tendencies of painting. Her artistic practice leans to an expression of the inner world in place of grand commentaries and/or critiques of society. Kristina's paintings are based on stories, often she deals with the idea of inner freedom and the purpose of living. In particular she depicts poetic fantasies in which figures interact with nature, focusing on a continues dialogue between the adult and his childish imagination. ( The series, Hunters and collectors or One world in not enough).
The world of the search is always changing, apart from the anonymous child "collectors", the protagonists are specific, though unknown, people with real faces. In contrast, mysterious fisherman and hunters in a distant space. In the series A quite place (Tiche misto), the main motif is the discovery and appropriation of a new environment, we see stories of specific places which are usually ignored or concealed – an abandoned log cabin, a destroyed swimming pool or a gate leading to nowhere. Her latest work again focuses on a figure and the conception of a distorted landscape. The artist is always leaning towards narrative, however involving characters communicating less directly with the viewer. What began as happiness and a lightness of being, inspired by figures from old photographs, has developed into an intimate portrayal of an internal monologue or key-hole dialogue. The protective aura-like glow that surrounds the figures allows the uninvited viewer to look deeper into this secret inner world. The viewer, for a moment , becomes the unnoticed observer, overhearing bits of never uttered phrases, unknown thoughts from long gone people. All this against a background of imaginary countries, filled with strange brilliance.
Kristina Mesaros's paintings invite the viewer to connect and expand those parts of the imagination/mind which can comprehend the beauty of an abandoned bunker or disused swimming pool, communicate with the silent hunters of dawn or the inner monalogue of an unknown people.